Friday 4 May 2007

Bad Comedy

Some may find the following post offensive, so if you are offended by rude or crude material, for fucks sake, dont be a cunt about it. Thats just a mild taste of my latest topic. Heres another:

Q: What's black and white and red all over, and can't turn around in a doorway?

A: A nun with a javelin through her head.

Many people in the world object to this sort of humour, labelling crass and tasteless. Which it is, I agree entirely with that. However, I feel that it can serve a good purpose. Making jokes of terrible things robs them of their power, humour can make it easier to exist in a world full of atrocities. Its an emergency exit.
Take 9/11 for instance. A truly terrible, horrific event, designed to strike fear in our hearts. Which it has. There shouldnt be any jokes about it, but they're out there. Could it not be argued that these jokes serve to rob the bombings of the fear terrorists wished to instill? That through jokes, we make their efforts one?
Heres a link to an comedic article pertaining to this belief:

Please comment with your views.

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