Thursday 10 May 2007

Thoughts on the Module

On the hole, I have enjoyed this module. Its certainly been very informative, and broken some of my previously held beliefs on matters of social disobediance and the like. I delving deeper into the arguements that surround ant of the topics covered in the module, I have achieved a better understanding of why we are exactly drawn to certain types of behaviour which are considered by society as 'being bad'. I know also see that, in every case covered in the module, there is always a little good to things which I previously held as being all bad. It was thought provoking and interesting, so thank you for a great module.

Wednesday 9 May 2007


In an arguement, I try to see all sides of things, the good and bad. But try as I might, I cant see the good in smoking. Im a non-smoker, though I did take it up for a time, simply to try and understand the attraction, which I just could'nt. It makes you smell terrible, it burns your throat and lungs, and leads to a general state of unhealthiness and a shortened life span. Not to mention the risk of terminal illness. What is good about smoking really? Is it something only long term smokes will understand? Please enlighten me.

Tuesday 8 May 2007


Now unless your a starved and penniless child in desperate need of food, then I think thievery is never, ever right. Thieves are scum, and should be left crippled if caught. To take what somebody worked hard for just because your too lazy and pathetic to do the same is just unforgiveable. Though a tad extreme, that farmer who shot the man burgling his home had the right idea. A man broke into my home once and stole some of my property, so I chased him down and smacked him with a shovel. And the police gave me an award, so clearly the law concurs with myself. Stealing food to stay alive is fine by me, and I do believe the laws should be loosened on that one. However this is the only exception of a vile and pathetic act. Who's with me here?

Saturday 5 May 2007

Bandits and Outlaws

Now here is a subject which, though I enjoy films featuring such, I actually deplore. I believe that to ensure the safety of the populace, laws are essential to govern us and prevent us harming one another. Of course, its not perfect, but it sort of works. To take oneself beyond those laws is wrong because the natural reaction to such is to do whatever the hell you like, including indulging in the darker side of our psyche. Why are people such as Ned Kelly and Billy the Kid still idolised today? thoughts anyone?

Friday 4 May 2007

Bad Comedy

Some may find the following post offensive, so if you are offended by rude or crude material, for fucks sake, dont be a cunt about it. Thats just a mild taste of my latest topic. Heres another:

Q: What's black and white and red all over, and can't turn around in a doorway?

A: A nun with a javelin through her head.

Many people in the world object to this sort of humour, labelling crass and tasteless. Which it is, I agree entirely with that. However, I feel that it can serve a good purpose. Making jokes of terrible things robs them of their power, humour can make it easier to exist in a world full of atrocities. Its an emergency exit.
Take 9/11 for instance. A truly terrible, horrific event, designed to strike fear in our hearts. Which it has. There shouldnt be any jokes about it, but they're out there. Could it not be argued that these jokes serve to rob the bombings of the fear terrorists wished to instill? That through jokes, we make their efforts one?
Heres a link to an comedic article pertaining to this belief:

Please comment with your views.

Thursday 3 May 2007

Bad Cinema

There are a number of films out there which depict the more deplorable acts commited by man kind, such as murder, torture and rape. Its easy to label these on screen depictions as sick and depraved, as simulating something like rape is just wrong. Also, through a mediated experience of this atrocities, audiences could become desensitised to them, increasing the liklihood of them perpatrating those crimes. However, there is arguably a good aspect to bad cinema, as, just as it can serve as a desensitiser, it can work as a deterent. The disgust which is generated by these scenes creates in us a subconscious adversion to violence etc., and so there is a decreased liklihood of people performing what theyve seen on screen.
Bad Cinema can also be used as a warning, to convey a message, as seen in Larry Clark's Kids, which is, in essence, an AIDS prevention advertisement, using the 'bad' aspects of cinema to make it shocking and provocative.

Sunday 29 April 2007

Tattoos and body piercing

Now whats so wrong with tattoos? Sure theres the pain, and the possibility of infection, but despite this its just a way of marking yourself as an individual, separate yourself from the rest of the sheep. Surely this cant be considered bad? Also, they just look great, and at the very least are interesting and entertaining.
Body piercings, however, are just wrong. Theyre completely pointless, and just damn ugly to look at. I truly have no understanding of why any would desire one, save that if that person was mentally ill. Tattoos at least look good, but whats attractive about a bit of metal pushed through a hole in your skin.
Anyone who wishes to champion the cause of body piercers, please step forward.